Monday, June 27, 2011

Aryan poster child and Top Castings

Song of the Day: E.T. by Katy Perry

So I have had a pretty interesting couple of days. I was at the gym the other day minding my own business when one of the personal trainers decided that he was going to talk to me. I was right in the middle of watching Maury and I was kinda annoyed that he bothered me and my T.V. show. He started to ask me how long I had been going to the gym and I told him every day (go me!) and that made him look stupid because he said that he had never seen me there before. I laughed in my head and gave myself a mental point. He then asked me if I had gotten my free consultation and I said no so he decided that I should have mine. So I followed him to the little tables and had a whole conversation with him about losing weight. He also asked me what I do and he tried to get me to do a British accent when I told him that I was a Theatre major. I did one and then he tried to do one as well and it was preeetty bad. Then he decided that he wanted to test my strengths so he gave me the hardest workout I have had in my life. My whole body hurt and at the end he told me that it was SUPER expensive so I told him that I would have to ask my parents and I tried to get out of there as fast as I could. Before I could leave though he had taken my keys and when I tried to get them back he wouldn't give them back. I just looked at him and pretended to be amused and then he finally gave them back. Then I got into my car and laughed hysterically. Little Aryan Poster Child tried to get this Latina Mama. No. Freaking. Way. 

Next on the agenda is the fact that I joined a casting company. I had recently submitted my picture and resume for a Lane Bryant print ad and they said they loved my picture and that they were going to submit me for it. It is pretty exciting and everyday I get to learn about castings and submit myself for as many as I want. I think it is a good opportunity and it makes me super excited. 

NOW....3 and a half weeks until we leave for the West Coast and a little over a month until I get to be in two weddings! Until next time...

You're from a whole other world, a different dimension...Diva

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Living in Limbo

Song of the moment: Someone Like You by Adele

So here I am waiting in Limbo. I am currently counting down the days til I have something to do and somewhere to go. I have exactly 28 days til I will be leaving for the West Coast on my adventure with my mum and g-ma. Until then I am stuck at home where I can't work or dance or anything really except work out and unpack my room. Both of these things are great things to do but I am getting a little tired of it. Plus today was pretty bad because I don't have anything from Netflix and although I got one of the Seasons of Friends it was the next one so I have to wait for Season 8. I already watched 4 seasons of 30 Rock. I read 3 books and I am halfway through the 4th one. I have two more that I have to read but I know that that they wont take long to get through. Sigh.

The good thing about today was that I just got some really good advice from two people today. One was from a woman who I look up to so much. She told me that I fully capable of anything that I put my mind to and that she knows that I will be blessed no matter what I do. Thanks momma Hilary! The other person was my friend Lacey who I haven't talked to in forever. I love this girl soo much and we have had some great times. When I was complaining (she didn't know that though) about my life she was like "well I guess this is a good time to reflect upon your life at Prin". I thought hmm, I haven't really done that. It was just a simple statement but it just made me realize that I should be giving way more gratitude than I am doing right now. So here does one HUGE gratitude fest.

Tonight it will be for one group of people. My theatre family. After my audition at Disney and applying for my first job at a charter school teaching dance (cross fingers), it has made me realize that without all of you I would never be where I am today. You have made me loved and cared for and when I thought that I was going to be single my whole life, you told me that I am worth it and that nobody is thinks you are more beautiful than you. You made me laugh at all the stupid that you did from putting that stupid doll in dressing room and scaring the crap out of me, filming dramatic videos under a spotlight, playing improv games, watching movies, rocking out at dances, belting musical songs at the top of our lungs, and always getting naked. You also made my cry from laughing too hard, from all the times that you hugged me when I was upset, when I had to leave all of you, and right now as I am giving gratitude and remembering the good times. You all have truly changed my life and I would not be the person that I am today because of you. I don't need to name names but you know who you are. Even if we weren't the best of friends I have loved getting to know and grow with you.

God Adele, why are your songs to amazing. Seriously check out Someone Like You. Ladies, Kendi and Kirsty, you guys should know that this song is how I felt that one night when we were all a wreck. That's probs why I am crying so much. Auuh. Anyways, thats the first of my gratitude.
For now...
Only yesterday was the time of our lives...Diva

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wake up call

Song of the day: All that I'm asking for by Lifehouse

So as some of you may know I went down to Disney World in Florida 3 days ago. It was wuite the trip. I had to get up early on Sunday morning and drive 10 hours by myself. I didn't mind the drive because I got to think and listen to an awesome book on tape. Incarceron was it's name and I got so excited one time that I almost drove off the road. Whoops. Anywho...I got done to the Schiffli's house and quickly went to sleep.
In the morning I woke up at 6 and started to get ready for my audition which had a sign in time of 8. This meant that I had to leave the house no later than 7:15 so that I could get a good spot. So I got there at 8:05 and after looking in the wrong place 2 times I finally found where I was supposed to sign in. Now there are many things that I had thought about that audition and how I thought that it was going to turn out. Let me tell you that everything was WRONG.
ONE: I thought that it wouldn't be too crowded because how many dancers really seriously wanted to dance at Disney.
~~~~There were around 200 dancers there at the auditions and all of them were crazy flexible and had their game faces on.
SECOND: I thought that because it was Disney they would look past things like physical appearance and notice the talent and passion you had because it is Disney and thats where dreams come true.
~~~~I know I am not amazing but I didn't even make it past the first round. The choreography wasn't hard at all and I did it well, BUT they had a certain type that they were looking for. Oh well.
THIRD: I thought that because I was kinda a big shot in college that OF COURSE I would be an obvious choice for Disney.
~~~~Everyone had big shots and think the same thing. I met a ROCKETTE, who was super nice, but still a freaking Rockette. There was no way I could compete with that.

So you can imagine that I was thinking what the heck am I doing here. So as I put back on my regular shoes, took off my number, and drove away from the rehearsal facility, I started to call the number of people who wanted to hear from me as soon as the audition was over. I told them all the news and they told me great things such as, "When one door closes, 10 more open", "Your fabulous and I love you", "Guess you will doing Haunted Houses", "There is always Chicago!" (that last one made me laugh). At the end of the phone calls I decided to go to Downtown Disney to just look at all the happy people at Disney and figure out what I was going to do with the rest of my day. I decided to go home that day instead of sitting at the house and waiting til tomorrow. Around noon I was back on the road making the 10 hour trip back home. Even though this meant that I was driving 20 hours in two days, I knew that it was totally worth it. It gave me time to think about my life and I came to some conclusions.

One: I LOVE dancing and I am just going to have to take more classes and kick my own butt.
Second: I was meant to go to that audition so that I could get a wake up call and realize I need to be doing things EVERYDAY to get better.
Third: I don't ever want to be a bum.
Lastly: I have the BEST friends in the world.

So I am going to take on the world one step at a time just like Chandler did the day of his wedding to Monica so that he wouldn't freak out and run away. Next kinda secret but I hope that Jay is excited. Til next time...
All that I'm asking for is that you need nothing more...Diva

Friday, June 10, 2011

Just keep swimming...

Rolling in the deep by Adele

Yesterday my family and I, plus Trishie my brother's girlfriend, went on a spur of the moment trip down to Chattanooga, TN. The drive wasn't too long, only 2 hours, in which I spent reading Something Borrowed by Emily Giffin. It is supposed to be a very good book and movie so I am excited to get through it. When we got there the sun was shining and it was a very HOT temperature of 94. The Tennessee Aquarium in Chattanooga is pretty big and is a large brick building with glass triangles on the top for the habitats that are on the roof. After getting our tickets we walked over to the Ocean Journey building. In between the two buildings is a little river made by cement in which tons of little kids were splashing around in. I miss those days when I could just run around without any pants on and play in the little stream. Sadly I now must have this thing called decorum. Pity.
As we took the escalator up to the top floor and into where we could pet sting rays. It was cool and I loved watching the little kids go crazy when they got to touch their slick, soft skin. Watching Trisha touch them was funny as well. After we tried to touch all of the fish we went into the Butterfly Garden which made me super excited. I LOVE Butterflies. There were so many of them with so many different colors patterns including one that was mostly black except for two small pink heart shaped patterns on her back. She was definitely my favorite. I also got to hold one which was amazing. Apparently the butterflies loved me because one as landed on my back when I was trying to get a picture of a black and blue butterfly. We spent a long time in there because Shea really wanted to catch one. From there we moved inside to the tanks where they had all the types of animals that live in an ocean and TONS of jellyfish tanks.
Then we walked over to the River Journey building which was what I remembered when I was in the 2nd grade, the last time I went to the aquarium. First, you go to the top of the building and work your way all the way down through the different levels. We saw turtles, otters, snakes, seahorses, trout, catfish, manta-rays, and so much more. After we were done with both aquariums we walked over to the Imax theatre to watch a movie about the Ultimate Wave. It was a movie about surfing and the ocean in Tahiti. Shea loved it and I have to admit it was pretty cool. Our next stop was then the River Gorge Explorer. It was a super fast boat that took us down the Tennessee River to see the wildlife and take a trip on a fast boat down the river. It was fun and crazy. The boat could go up to 50 mph super fast and because of some cool technology it lifted out of the water. The not cool part was that when it stopped, it stopped fast and lowered back into the water super fast. That freaked a lot people out at first but then we all got used to it.
When we made it back to shore, we all went to eat at Cheeburger Cheeburger. By the time we were down eating we were super tired. Shea, Trisha, and I slept the whole way home. When we got home I stayed up and watched some 30 Rock, but at 11 I crashed. It was a great day to bond with my family.
Today I am off to the Opry Land Hotel to take my HEADSHOTS!!! cant wait!
Til tomorrow.

Don't underestimate the things I will do...Diva

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Senior year in a Nutshell

Song of the Day: Born this Way by Lady Gaga

So...long time no see. Last time you heard from me it was after my first audition for Tartuffe, which was the first day of Senior year. Today is two days AFTER I have GRADUATED from college. It is so crazy! I am just sitting at home in a blazing hot house, because the air conditioning is BROKEN, waiting for something to strike my fancy. It is day one and I think I am already bored. Great. BUT here is what happened to me senior year...CLIFF NOTES version!

Tartuffe: Got the PART! woot. I started off the show and I killed it. Best Cast. Best Director. Period.
Dance Production: AMAZING! Choreographer. El Tango de Roxanne. Prostitution. Really intense dancing/touching/things that make my dad want to SHOOT my dance partner.
Theatre house: BEST PEOPLE EVER!
A Tale of Two Cities: JEEEERRRRYYYYY! Got a featured chorus role opposite one of my favorite men. First collegiate show of the musical. Met the writer! ACTF guy loved my screaming. Check.
Chekhov Technique: LIFE-CHANGING. So much crying. So much growing. Love that class.
Friends in general: I love ALL of them so much and its crazy to think two of them are getting married in August. Make that FOUR of them are getting married in August.

It was an amazing year and that doesn't even sum it up in the slightest. BUT I am excited for my next adventure! In less than a week I will be auditioning to be a dancer at..............DISNEY! Best thing ever! So on June 13 I will be spreading my wings and flying towards my career and hoping that all ends well.

So today I am going to be going to the library and getting some books on tape for my 10 hours drive down to Orlando. There is also a haircut in my future and you know what that means.
HEADSHOTS!!!!!! New ones for my audition on Monday. So many things to do. Oh and did I mention that I have to unpack all of my things my college. My room is so small and I have so much stuff. Plus I have to figure out where to put a 4x4 painting of me and Dana. Good times. Well I'm off for now.
Baby I was born this way...Diva