Monday, July 25, 2011

Chinatown, Hippies, and Friends

Song of the Day: I Got You by Leona Lewis

Highlight of the Day: spending time with my best friend.

As you can probably tell from the title, today was the big tourist day and we saw a ton of things and did even more walking. We took our little trip to Chinatown and once we passed through the gorgeous gate my mom and G-ma spotted a shop full of trinkets and scarves. 30 minutes later we emerged with chopsticks, scarves, statues, fans, and lanterns. Our next mission was finding the Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Factory. Our tour guide told us that they made tons of fresh cookies and that you could get them in chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry. After asking many people and walking through little streets we found a line of people waiting for fresh cookies. This cute little man walked through the line with a smile on his face and handed our WARM fortune cookies that were flat. They were so delicious. So we decided to buy chocolate and vanilla cookies with fortunes and ones that were flat without fortunes.

Our next point of interest was Haight-Ashbury which was where all the hippies used to live. We are talking REAL hippies, Janis Joplin was one, and it was pretty cool. There were tons of stores selling loose clothing from different parts of the world, tattoo parlors, and stores selling marijuana. We saw some pretty interesting people and enjoyed all the colors which made us them buy even more things. Bracelets, earrings, saris, and hippie shirts. So once we got back on the bus I headed off on my own to take the train back to Milbrae to spend the rest of the day with my dear friend Will. After talking to his mom and spending some time with Bandit we headed off toward the Sutro Baths on the Pacific Ocean. They are ruins of old salt water baths that are literally right on the ocean. There was an easy way to get day to the baths but according to Will that was the boring way to get down to the ocean. That was code for the SAFEST way to get there. Of course we took the route which required me to hop over a wall and try not to die on the dirt cliff that we were walking down. Once we safely made it down the baths were pretty cool and I even got to go into a cave. The cave was almost pitch black and thankfully Will went in front of me because he got to fall in all the little holes instead of me. Of course that was my evil plan all along! After the baths we drove around the outskirts of San Francisco trying to think of where we wanted to eat. After about 20 minutes we decided that we were going to eat back where he lived. It was a fun drive which consisted of tempting fate and try to get all the green lights and seeing where his grandma lived. After about 45 minutes of silliness the place where we going to eat was closed! Grrr. So we ate delicious pizza and hung out until I had to head back to my great uncle and aunt's house. It was one of the best days I have had all summer!

Next time you will all hear about our crazy trip by the ocean and seeing the Redwoods!
Love and Kisses, Diva.

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